The Anteater Virtues project is not just an innovative pedagogical initiative but also a research project. A core goal of the project is to advance both the theoretical research concerned with educating for virtuous intellectual character and also the empirical research concerned with the measurement of such a pedagogical approach.
Research Background to the Project
A selection of publications by project members (in bold) that provides a snapshot of the research background to the Anteater Virtues project:
Arum, R., Roksa J., & Cook, A. (Eds.), (2016). Improving Quality in American Higher Education: Learning Outcomes and Assessments for the 21st Century, San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass.
Arum, R., & Roksa, J. (2014). Aspiring Adults Adrift: Tentative Transitions of College Graduates, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
—— (2011). Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses, Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
Baehr, J. (2023). ‘Educating for Good Thinking: Virtues, Skills, or Both?’, Informal Logic, 43(2), 173-203. [pdf]
—— (2021a). Deep in Thought: A Practical Guide to Teaching for Intellectual Virtues, Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
—— (2021b). ‘Democracy, Information Technology, and Virtue Epistemology’, Virtues, Democracy, and Online Media, (eds.) N. Snow & M. S. Vaccarezza, 30-48, New York: Routledge. [pdf]
—— (2019). ‘Intellectual Virtues, Critical Thinking, and the Aims of Education’, Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology, (eds.) P. Graham, M. Fricker, D. Henderson, N. Pedersen & J. Wyatt, 447-57, London: Routledge.
—— (2015). Cultivating Good Minds: A Philosophical & Practical Guide to Educating for Intellectual Virtues, (available at:
—— (Ed.), (2016a). Intellectual Virtues and Education: Essays in Applied Virtue Epistemology, London: Routledge.
—— (2016b). ‘Is Intellectual Character Growth a Realistic Educational Aim?’, Journal of Moral Education 45, 117-31.
—— (2013). ‘Educating for Intellectual Virtues: From Theory to Practice’, Journal of the Philosophy of Education 47, 248-262.
—— (2011). The Inquiring Mind: On Intellectual Virtues and Virtue Epistemology, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Carter, J. A., & Pritchard, D. H. (2017). ‘Epistemic Situationism, Epistemic Dependence, and the Epistemology of Education’, Epistemic Situationism, (eds.) M. Alfano & A. Fairweather, 168-91, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kotzee, B., & Baehr, J. (2023). ‘Intellectual Virtues’, The Routledge International Handbook of Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Character Development, Volume I, (eds.) M. D. Matthews & R. M. Lerner, 512-532, New York: Routledge.
Pritchard, D. H. (2021a). ‘Intellectual Humility and the Epistemology of Disagreement’, Synthese 198, 1711-23.
—— (2021b). ‘Intellectual Virtues and the Epistemic Value of Truth’, Synthese 198, 5515–28.
—— (2021c). ‘Philosophy in Prison and the Cultivation of Intellectual Character’ [invited], Journal of Prison Education and Reentry 7, 130-43.
—— (2019). ‘Philosophy in Prisons: Intellectual Virtue and the Community of Philosophical Inquiry’, Teaching Philosophy [DOI: 10.5840/teachphil201985108].
—— (2018). ‘Neuromedia and the Epistemology of Education’ [invited], Metaphilosophy 49, 328-49.
—— (2016). ‘Intellectual Virtue, Extended Cognition, and the Epistemology of Education’, Intellectual Virtues and Education: Essays in Applied Virtue Epistemology, (ed.) J. Baehr, 113-27, London: Routledge.
—— (2013). ‘Epistemic Virtue and the Epistemology of Education’, Journal of Philosophy of Education 47, 236-47.
—— (2012). ‘Anti-Luck Virtue Epistemology’, Journal of Philosophy 109, 247-79.
Pritchard, D. H., Millar, A., & Haddock, A. (2010). The Nature and Value of Knowledge: Three Investigations, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pritchard, D. H., English, A., & Ravenscroft, J. (2021). ‘Extended Cognition, Assistive Technology and Education’, Synthese [DOI: 10.1007/s11229-021-03166-9].
Project Research Outputs
A selection of the key research outputs that have been generated by the project so far:
Croce, M., & Pritchard, D. H. (2022). ‘Education as the Social Cultivation of Intellectual Virtue’, Social Virtue Epistemology, (eds.) M. Alfano, C. Klein & J. de Ridder, 583-601, London: Routledge. [pdf]
Orona, G. A., (2021a). ‘Gotta Know Why! Preliminary Evidence Supporting a Theory of Virtue Learning as Applied to Intellectual Curiosity’, Theory and Research in Education 19, 279-95.
—— (2021b). ‘Philosophy’s Rematch: A New Conceptualization of the Study of Higher Education’, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 20, 386-402.
Orona, G. A., Eccles, J. S., Solanki, S., Copp, D. A., Dang, Q.-V., & Arum, R. (2025). ‘The Structure of Adult Thinking: A Network Approach to (Meta)Cognitive Processing’, Learning and Individual Differences 117, [DOI: 10.1016/j.
Orona, G. A., & Pritchard, D. H. (2021). ‘Inculcating Curiosity: Pilot Results of an Online Module to Enhance Undergraduate Intellectual Virtue’, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 47, [DOI: 10.1080/02602938.2021.1919988].
Orona, G. A., Pritchard, D. H., Arum, R., Eccles, J., Dang, Q.-V., Copp, D., Herrmann, D., Rushing, B., Bustamente, A. S., & Greene, J. A. (2023). ‘Epistemic Virtue in Higher Education: Testing the Mechanisms of Intellectual Character Development’, Current Psychology, [DOI:].
Orona, G. A., & Trautwein, U. (2023). ‘Thinking Disposition Education Improves Cognitive Reflection: Experimental Results from Two Intervention Studies’, manuscript.
Pritchard, D. H. (2025). ‘Intellectually Virtuous Education and Misinformation’, Vices of the Mind: MIS/DISinformation and Other Epistemic Pathologies, (ed.) M. Popa-Wyatt, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [pdf]
—— (2024a). ‘Virtuous Arguing’, The Epistemology of Conversation, (ed.) W. Silva Filho, ch. 4, Dordrecht, Holland: Springer. [pdf]
—— (2024b). ‘Virtuous Intellectual Character as the Epistemic Goal of Education’, Educating for Moral and Intellectual Maturation: Toward Greater Social Justice Through Initiatives of Excellence in Undergraduate Education, (ed.) J. M. Whiteley, 197-207, Brevard, NC: Gardner Institute for Excellence in Education. [pdf]
—— (2023). ‘Educating for Virtuous Intellectual Character and Valuing Truth’, Philosophies [invited], 8, 29, [DOI:].
—— (2022a). ‘Cultivating Intellectual Virtues’, Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Education, (ed.) R. Curren, 127-36, London: Routledge. [pdf]
—— (2022b). ‘Intellectual Virtue and Its Role in Epistemology’, Asian Journal of Philosophy [invited keynote essay as part of the special issue, ‘The Epistemology of Duncan Pritchard’], 1, [DOI: 10.1007/s44204-022-00024-4].
—— (2022c). ‘Virtuous Arguing With Conviction and Humility’, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice [invited], [DOI: 10.1007/s10677-022-10328-2].
—— (2020). ‘Educating For Intellectual Humility and Conviction’ [invited], Journal of Philosophy of Education 54, 398-409. [pdf]
Talks and Interviews
A selection of research presentation and interviews related to the project:
Pritchard, D. H., ‘Intellectual Virtues and the Epistemology of Education’, keynote talk at the Human Cognition and Learning: An Educational Perspective international conference at Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
Baehr, J. & Bryant, J. ‘Deep in Thought: A Practical Guide to Teaching for Intellectual Virtues’, Principal Center Radio,
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Why Curiosity, Integrity, Humility and Tenacity Contribute to the Good Life’, UCI Podcast Interview with Aaron Orlowski, <>.
Pritchard, D. H., ‘Virtuous Disagreement Without Concession’, invited talk at the Ethics of Argumentation online speaker series, organized by the Argumentation Network of the Americas.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Virtuous Education in the Digital Age’, keynote talk at the What has Industry 4.0 in Store for Emerging Economies? International conference, University of Mumbai, India.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Bringing the Intellectual Virtues into University Curricula’, keynote talk at the International Society for Teachers, Administrators and Researchers annual international conference, Bangkok, Thailand.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Virtuous Education and Neuromedia’, invited talk at the Cognitive Diversity research seminar, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Educating for Intellectual Virtue’, invited talk at the Association for Philosophy of Education’s ‘Virtue and Skill in Critical Thinking and its Teaching’, session at the 2022 Central American Philosophical Association meeting, Chicago, USA.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Virtuous Education in the Digital Age’, keynote talk at the World Human Sciences and Management International conference, Center for Adivasi Research and Development, Bhubaneswar, India.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Intellectual Virtue and its Role in Epistemology’, invited talk at the Cognitive Science research seminar, University of Messina, Messina, Italy.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Educating for Intellectual Virtue’, invited talk at the ‘Recent Work on Intellectual Character’ international conference at Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Brazil.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Education and the Intellectual Virtues: An Interview with Duncan Pritchard’, The Intentional Clinician Podcast (Dr. Paul Krast), <>.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Duncan Pritchard on Educating for Virtuous Intellectual Character’, Office Hours with John Gardner Podcast, <>
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Virtuous Arguing with Conviction and Humility’, invited talk at the Intellectual Humility, Rationality and Self-Doubt conference, University of Leeds, UK.
Arum, R. ‘Why Higher Ed Must Evolve to Keep Pace with AI. Interview with Richard Arum’, Singularity Syndicate Podcast,
Baehr, J. ‘Teaching for Intellectual Virtues’, The ThoughtStretchers Podcast,
Dennin, M. ‘AI’s Emergent Properties at the Intersection of Faith and Science. Interview with Michael Dennin’, Singularity Syndicate Podcast,
James, A. ‘AI and the Rise of Online Toxicity. Interview with Aaron James’, Singularity Syndicate Podcast,
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Will AI Outsmart Humans? Interview with Duncan Pritchard’, Singularity Syndicate Podcast,
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Truth and Cultivating Intellectual Virtues: Interview with Duncan Pritchard’, The Dissenter Podcast ,
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Intellectual Virtue and Its Role in Epistemology’, Epistemology+ Research Centre, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Intellectual Virtue and its Role in Epistemology’, CSUSB Departmental Colloquium
Baehr, J. ‘Virtues of the Mind: On the Characterological Demands of Academic Inquiry’, Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society Lecture Series, University of California, Irvine (Jan 23, 2025).
DeVries, J. M. Orona, G. A., & Arum, R. (2025). Student and teacher intellectual humility: The effects of subject, course type, and student background. American Educational Research Association 2025, Denver.
Pritchard, D. H. ‘AI and the Epistemology of Education’, invited talk at the ‘Epistemology of AI Workshop’, University of California, Irvine (Jan 24, 2025).
Pritchard, D. H. ‘Conversations with the Vice Provost: An interview with Duncan Pritchard’, UC Irvine Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (with Michael Dennin),
Pritchard, D. H. ‘The Importance of Scholarly Values: An Interview with Professor L. Song Richardson’, Anteater Insider podcast,
A selection of research events associated with the project:
Workshop on ‘Education and Virtue’. Speakers: Jason Baehr (Philosophy, LMU), Michael Brady (Philosophy, Glasgow), Julia Lupton (English, UCI), and Duncan Pritchard (Philosophy, UCI).
Center for Knowledge, Technlogy & Society Annual Epistemology of Education Lecture. Speaker: Harvey Siegel (Miami U). ‘Rationality as the Aim of Education’
Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society Annual Epistemology of Education Lecture. Andrea English (Edinburgh). ‘Dewey Uncertainty and Non-Affirmative Democratic Education’
Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society Annual Epistemology of Education Lecture. Speaker: Nancy Snow (Kansas U). ‘The Anteater Virtues: What does it mean to be a good knower, and why should students – or anyone, for that matter, care?
UCI Year of Scholarly Values Launch Event. Introduced by Chancellor Howard Gilman and Chaired by Professor Duncan Pritchard. Panel: Professors Richard Arum, Michael Dennin and Julia Lupton. [Recording]
Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society Annual Epistemology of Education Lecture. Speaker: Jason Baehr (LMU). ‘Virtues of the Mind: On the Characterological Demands of Academic Inquiry.’ Jan 23, 2025.
Center for Knowledge, Technology & Society Epistemology of AI Workshop. Jan 24, 2025.